- What have you been doing to pass the time at home? - 141 votes - open
- What is your favorite thing about this spring semester so far? - 5 votes - open
- What's your favorite thing about Fall at AWC? - 18 votes - open
- Are you celebrating Pride month? - 11 votes - open
- Are you graduating? - 3 votes - open
- How do you feel about AWC's new Endangered Species mural? - 13 votes - open
- Are you excited for the new Spring Semester? - 5 votes - open
- Do you feel safe at AWC? One being "not very safe" to five being "Very safe". - 31 votes - open
- Do you feel that living in a dorm is a positive experience? "one" being not very positive to "five" being very positive. - 7 votes - closed
- Do you feel that players taking a knee are hurting their respective sports? "One" being not very detrimental to "Five" being very detrimental. - 13 votes - closed
- Are you concerned the changes in DACA are going to affect your life? Indicate your concern on a scale of one to five; one being very concerned and five being not very concerned. - 41 votes - closed
- How do you like our Western Voice web site that was redesigned this past year? - 12 votes - closed
- Based on the 2016 presidential election, how satisfied are you with the political process in the USA? On a scale of one to five, one being very unsatisfied and five being very satisfied. - 112 votes - closed
- How many classes are you taking this semester? - 0 votes - closed