Law of Agreement
Tony Burroughs is a bestselling author, storyteller and community-maker who has been living by the Laws of Manifestation for over 25 years. He has published nine books, including The Intenders handbook and The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World.
The AWC Massage Therapy Club will be hosting the Intenders of the Highest Good program by cofounder, Tony Burroughs, on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the AWC Massage Therapy Program offices in the Yuma Regional Medical Center, 1501 W. 24 Street, Suite C. Tony will talk about this latest book, The Law of Agreement, and to host an Intenders Circle.
In the first hour of the two-hour event, Burroughs will speak about the current transition humankind is experiencing. He will talk about the "the old ways" and "the new ways" and how people can apply the Law of Agreement and the Intention Process to make their personal lives more fulfilling and the world a better place to live. In the second hour, he will lead an Intenders Circle where everyone will have the opportunity to share their Gratitudes and Intentions.
Burroughs is a bestselling author, storyteller and community-maker who has been living by the Laws of Manifestation for over 25 years. He has published nine books, including The Intenders handbook and The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World. He has also produced three full-length films as well as 80 You Tubes on personal empowerment and community making. He is the creator of the popular Vision Alignment Project, where people across the globe have aligned over 600,000 times with his heartfelt visions.
Attendees will learn to apply the Law of Agreement, take part in a Intenders Circle, hear several uplifting intention stories, become more self-empowered, get their books signed and have lots of fun. The cost for the event is $20, and scholarships are available for people willing to help publicize the event. For more information, click on "Events" at www.highestlighthouse.com, www.interders.com, or call 217-972-8384.