The last days of October provide plenty of opportunities to celebrate. Here in the Southwest, an amalgam of cultures provides a variety of opportunities to dress up, eat great food and have lots of fun.
This year's campus activities included Day of the Dead altars, sponsored by the AWC Art Club, and a Catrinas costume event and carne asada luncheon, sponsored by AWC and the Yuma Young Adults Club. An office decorating event, sponsored by Student Government Association, that had office staff dressing up and turning their offices spaces into fantasy scary places that were not for the weak of heart. Finally the Alcohol and Other Drug Committee (AOD) held a Trick or Treating Drug Fact Scavenger Hunt that had Trick or Treaters looking for the treats in all the scary places.
It is rumored that the scary faces and places are already planning to outdo themselves next year.
Photo on front page:
Stephanie Manzanares (right) participates in the Day of the Dead costume competition on the Arizona Western College main campus.
Photo by Seth Miner