On September 22, 2011 Senator John Kyl's office notified Arizona Western College (AWC) that the College has been awarded three nationally competitive grants from the U.S. Department of Education.
"As part of AWC's ongoing efforts to provide the highest quality education to the residents of La Paz and Yuma Counties, the College actively seeks funding," stated AWC President Glenn Mayle. "These grants from the U.S. Department of Education will provide important student supports, infrastructure, equipment and educational pathways for our students."
The three projects include:
The PIPELINE (Surf the Pipeline to STEM Success) Project is a collaboration with Northern Arizona University - Yuma Branch Campus and NAU statewide campuses that will build an educational pathway for AWC Career and Technical Education applied associate degree graduates to a Bachelor of Applied Science in Industrial Technologies, to be offered on the AWC campus. This project is centered on equipping students with '21st century skills' for academic success such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and communication while broadening the range of high-quality STEM degree options.
The FUTURES (Building Brighter Futures Through STEM) Project is a cooperative effort with the University of Arizona (UA) College of Engineering that will allow the fourth year of UA engineering studies to be provided on the AWC main campus, allowing students to achieve an engineering degree locally with the option of attaining specialization in renewable energies. This proposal is centered on student supports, curriculum development and design enhancement, research opportunities, outreach and advising supports, infrastructure and equipment. PPA Partners, the private partners in AWC's new solar array, will provide equipment, technology, and knowledge to enhance the grant project.
The third project award, Steps to Success, will support embedded writing activities across the AWC curriculum, allow AWC to develop writing centers at offsite locations in La Paz and Yuma Counties, and provide matching funds for the "Dreams to Reality" endowment through the AWC Foundation. This project is central to ensuring students have the needed writing skills to succeed in college and in today's workplace.
10.35 million of the project funding is being provided by the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act that was signed into law by President Obama on March 30, 2010 and $2.94 million in project funding is the result of Title V, Part A of the Higher Education Act.
Congratulations to Dr. Mary Schaal, her team and all who worked so long and hard to make this happen.