Arizona Western College marketing department has announced the Barrier 2 Bridge film festival and Barrier2Bridge Symposium to begin Tuesday, February 14 through Friday, February 17. All films will be shown at the San Luis Cultural Center, 1015 N. Main St., San Luis, AZ. Admission to all Film Festival events is free.
The scheduled films and events are:
5:30 - 8:00 Tuesday, February 14 "Borderline", Director: Diego Ibarrola
5:30 - 8:00 Wednesday, February 15 "How the Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer", Director: Georgina
Garcia Reidel
4:30 - 8:00 Thursday, February 16 Dance performance followed by "Pancho Goes to College", Director: Ruben Reyes at 5:30
4:30- 9:00 Friday, February 17 Dance performance, lecture and reception followed by "Escarabajo", Director: Guillermo Garcia Vejar, from 7:00- 9:00.
All events will begin with an introduction of the film by the director, and include a question and answer session.
The Red Carpet Reception for artists, directors and actors will be on Friday. It will include the presentation of festival awards and refreshments.
The dance performances include visiting dance companies from Mexico and local students prior to the films on Thursday and Friday.
The general public is encouraged to attend.
For more information on the Barrier 2 Bridge Film Festival please contact Antonio Carrillo at 928-247-4474or 928-317-6136 or Antonio.Carrillo@azwestern.edu . B2B information can be accessed on the SLCAH website: www.sanluisarts.com
Alternate Contact: Michael Trend, City of San Luis: Phone: 928-341-8584 Email: mtrend@cityofsanluis.org