Courtesy of AWC PR and Marketing
Arizona Western College honored two high-achieving students who have been named to the All-Arizona Academic Team during an awards luncheon on March 3. Seventy-five community college scholars from across the state participated in the ceremony celebrating their outstanding academic achievements and distinguished leadership skills.
The AWC Honors Council, comprised of faculty and staff, evaluated the eight components of the All-AZ/USA application and selected Jesse Kane and Zeeshad Jawaid. Kane earned the Gold tier, and Jawaid earned the Bronze tier.
All-AZ Team members earn in-state tuition waivers for any of the three Arizona state universities. They are ranked in Gold, Silver and Bronze medal levels. Gold medal nominees proceed to the national level to compete for Coca-Cola Scholarships and the prestigious All-USA Academic Team.
The Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society, two-year college presidents and community college state associations co-sponsor All-State Academic Team recognition programs in 32 states, of which Arizona is one. Each two-year college in Arizona may nominate two students per campus to the program.
Nominations are based on outstanding academic performance and service to the college and community. All-Arizona Team members receive special recognition including medallions, certificates and often stipends and tuition waivers to the state institution of their choice.
Phot courtesy of AWC Photo Services