The Student Success Center (SSC) held a Tutor Recognition Ceremony on April 27th to honor the hard work our dedicated tutors do. The goal of the SSC is to help students through their successful completion of courses at Arizona Western College and beyond. All of the tutors in the SSC are more than happy to help their fellow students accomplish this.
The event was filled with lots of food, fellowship and fun for all. "Student guests also attended the recognition ceremony to give their thanks to the tutors for all the help. It was a really nice event," Vanessa Natseway, Director of the SSC, stated in an email to me.
Prior to the event, the tutors were given ballots for such categories as most well-rounded, friendliest, funniest, etc and asked to vote for the tutors they felt best matched each category. There were also Certificates of Completion awarded from the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) for Level 1 Tutoring, as well as STAR and outstanding employee awards as selected by Vanessa Natseway, Ellen Riek (English professor and Faculty Liaison to the Writing Center) and Sotero Alvarado (Math Professor and Math Center Coordinator).
Left to Right, Front Row-
Lucero (Lucy) Rivera (Math and Biology) --STAR Tutor and outstanding employee award, as well as most well-rounded
Vanessa CastaÒeda (Math) --CRLA Certificate
Jane Foley (Math and Chemisty)- most energetic
Thien Tran (Math)- CRLA Certified (last semester), as well as funniest tutor
Katrin Henry (Math and Chemistry)- CRLA Certificate (last semester), as well as kindest, most helpful and friendliest
2nd row-
Steven Kelley (Writing) -- most well-rounded, most patient, most knowledgeable, most helpful
Carmen CastaÒeda (Math)- most helpful
Paul Carmack (Math and Accounting)- most-well-rounded
Jacob Natseway (Math)- most patient
Third row-
Rafael Encinas (Writing) --STAR Tutor and outstanding employee awards, as well as most well-rounded, funniest, friendliest
Alan Valdez (Math)-most knowledgeable
Not pictured is Mayra CastaÒeda (Writing) as kindest tutor and most energetic
Free tutoring is available to all AWC students. Drop-in math and science help is available in the Math center. Writing tutors are available by appointment in the Writing center. Other subjects are also available upon request.
For more information, you may contact the Student Success Center at (928) 317-6029.