Many people have a way to get away from reality, whether it be getting in bed with a nice book or going on a drinking binge. Some people turn to video games to let off some steam to escape reality and become someone other than themselves. They can become a plumber on a mission to rescue a princess in any Mario game, a professional athlete like in Madden 13, even a mercenary stranded in a cartel-filled Mexican city trying to take down a rogue agent in Army of two: The Devil's Cartel.
Gamers' lives are sometimes filled with pain, sorrow, stress and even loneliness. It's basically euphoria when gamers get to sit down after a long and stressful day and take their busy minds off life for a few minutes -- or hours.
There is a special relationship between people and their preferred gaming console. It is even a greater experience when gamers get to play with other gamers -- playing cooperatively, or maybe competing for bragging rights.
Today's video games can compare to old-school board games. They are fun but also offer a break away from reality and its constant issues. Some theories say video games make people smarter and also help with their hand-eye coordination.
Of course there are those who say video games make people violent. In my opinion it has nothing to do with video games, only mental health. Yet video games have been blamed for many of the massacres that have happened because the suspect was an active gamer.
To most people video games are a waste of time, but in fact they make life more enjoyable. I hope in the near future people will realize that games are therapeutic and a way to relieve stress. One day the world will truly recognize the positives of playing videogames and how they help many cope with the harsh realities of everyday life.
For at least this breed of human, video games are paradise.
Photo by Zachary Zdon