AWC Information Tech Charlie Lackey dies

Shortly after work September 20, 2011, Chief Edmundson notified President Mayle that Charles Lackey, a technician for the Help Desk, had died accidentally from a gunshot wound.

Charlie had worked at AWC as a part-time employee for many years and was even named Classified Employee of the Semester about two years ago. Charlie's mother passed away just after he received this award.

Just recently Charlie had accepted a full-time position at the Help Desk. Shortly after going full-time, Charlie took a leave of absence to care for his ailing father.

"Needless to say the staff at the Help Desk and within IT are devastated at this loss.," said AWC President, Dr. Mayle in a memo to the AWC community, "Please bear with the helpdesk as they, and all of us, work through this tragic event."

Charlie was born September 12, 1983 in Yuma.

A scripture service was held Saturday afternoon at Desert Valley Mortuary Chapel.


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