Basics of being a student parent

Going back to school after becoming a parent is no easy task. People have always told me that making the choice to enroll in college classes is the hardest step. Those people lied. In no way was I prepared for the struggles of keeping up with my studies while working full time and raising three children. Here are some of the most basic and invaluable lessons that I have learned along the way.

Do your homework while your children are doing theirs. If you put off studying until after dinner is made, the children are sleeping or the house is clean, you will never have time to study. Realize that your homework is just as important as everything else on your to-do list, and you have to make the time for it.

Sleep is a good thing. Don't rob yourself of the rest you need by trying to stay up late to study for upcoming tests. Doing so may cause more damage than good. Being sleep deprived causes your mind to function more slowly and retain less information. So make sure you are getting the proper amount of Z's.

Food is your friend. Taking time to eat properly can go a long way towards improving your mood, health and thought processes. Trying to study while your stomach is on empty can leave you cranky and unable to focus on the tasks at hand. Eating regular, healthy meals and snacks will keep your blood sugar levels steady and give you more energy to tackle those tests.

Remember that everyone needs a break once in a while. Even if you feel like you have a lot of homework to catch up on, sometimes you just need a day off. Don't spend the whole time feeling guilty about it. Enjoy your day, and then go back to work with a renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm.

These tips will help get you through each semester, and before too long you will have that degree you have been working so hard for.

Photo by Zachary Zdon

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