By Luis Garcia
With technology shrinking and evolving more and more each day, wearables such as smart watches are getting harder to detect. Dishonest students can use smart watches to cheat in class. They can easily access the Internet with a smart watch without their teacher noticing. A lot of teachers still aren't in the know about smart watches and what they can do. That's why a lot of schools still haven't banned smart watches from being in exam rooms.
Essentially, a smart watch is a smart phone on a person's wrist. Smart watches can access a lot of the same applications and information that smart phones can. Students can easily use a smart watch to cheat on an exam. They can be sneaky and use apps or text their friends on a smart watch to get answers when their teacher isn't looking. Some smart watches can even access PDF files, or students can just simply Google answers.
Some universities already have banned smart watches from exam rooms. There have been incidents where a professor has caught a student giving their watch too much attention and when they went over to the student, the watch lit up, blowing the student's cover and getting them in trouble. With smart watches getting more trendy and popular, it is only a matter of time before more schools start making rules against them.
Smart watches are going to be the next big thing, whether teachers and schools know it or not. There will be some students out their using smart watches to cheat, and some of them will get caught in the process. Teachers will gradually become more aware of them and ban them from exam rooms just as they did with smart phones, but until then students will be sneaky and use them.
Graphic by Pam Black