On April 16, Arizona Western College hosted the annual Sustainability Fair in the grassy area nex
On April 16, Arizona Western College hosted the annual Sustainability Fair in the grassy area nex
AWC students collaborate to bring issues of global concern.
Jesse Kane and Zeeshad Jawaid have been selected for the All-Arizona Academic Team.
A larger office space for Veterans Services provides more services for campus veterans.
Family Night in Somerton was a great successs.
The 2016 Ag Summit collaborated the work of different aspects of the agricultural community into an informative exchange of important information.
All-AZ Academic Team recipients Jesse Kane and Zeeshad Jawaid flank AWC President Glenn Mayle, with VP for Learning Services Linda Elliot-Nelson and Honors Director Jane DeLaurier in attendance.
Melody Price (L) and Monica Ketchum (R) are the awarding winning teachers this year.
The TASC is active on campus to ensure a smooth transition to higher education.
Yuma is a veritable garden of eating delight.